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7 Chat GPT Prompts for Loan Officers

If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past several month, you’ve probably heard all about Chat GPT. This platform, that’s kind of blowing up the internet, is a powerful tool for business.

When I asked just how I should describe the tool to anyone who may not be familiar, this is what it told me:

ChatGPT is like a super-smart computer program that can have a conversation with you. It's designed to understand what you're saying and provide helpful responses, just like when you talk to a friend. But instead of a real person, it's a computer program that has been trained on a lot of information from the internet to be knowledgeable about many different topics. So, when you ask it questions or have a chat with it, it tries to give you accurate and useful answers. It's kind of like having a really knowledgeable and helpful virtual friend at your disposal to chat with and get information from.

Want to skip to the good stuff? Click on any prompt to jump down to it.

Create a Welcome Email for Clients

Create a Welcome Email for Referral Partners

Create a Docs Request Email

Create a Review Request Email

Create a Social Media Content Calendar

Create a Professional Bio for Your Website

Create a Video Script

So how can this help a loan officer?

Chat GPT holds as much value as you’re willing to give it. The trick to getting the most useful content from it is giving it a robust, detailed, and specific prompt.

Imagine Chat GPT is a car. If you put high quality oil, gas, care, upkeep, parts, etc. into it, the car will run beautifullly. The same goes the opposite way - put the cheap crap oil and gas in the machine, it will give you cheap crap.

The trick to making Chat GPT your new best friend is good prompts.

And that’s what we’ve made here for you.

How to Use Our Chat GPT Prompts For Mortgage Professionals

Step 1: Make Your Account

First things first, make your Chat GPT account. BTW-You do not need the paid version to use any of our below prompts!

Go here to the main Chat GPT landing page.

Then create your account, using the standard email account creation or you can connect it to a Gmail, Microsoft, or Apple account.

Step 2: Grab Your Prompt

You’ll need to peruse our prompts below and find the one that works for you.

We’ve built all of our content prompts to give you three options, so you have a variety of options to choose from. You’ll get options for a short and sweet piece of content, one that’s a standard email length, and one that would be a more detailed, lengthy piece of content.

Step 3: Plug In Your Information

You see in the below prompts areas that are meant for you to include your own personal information. You should add as many details as you can to make sure the prompts can create an awesome result for you.

Look for the fill-in-the-blank areas in the brackets and all caps, like this [PLUG YOUR CONTENT HERE].

You’ll also be asked to provide the tone you’d like in your communications. You can use the below tone options to further define your prompt:

  • Formal: Conveys professionalism and seriousness. Example: "Our esteemed clients will benefit from our sophisticated solutions."

  • Conversational: Mimics a casual conversation to create a friendly connection. Example: "Hey there! We've got something awesome to share with you."

  • Informative: Focuses on providing facts and details. Example: "Discover the science behind our revolutionary product."

  • Inspirational: Aims to motivate and evoke positive emotions. Example: "Unlock your potential with our life-changing products."

  • Humorous: Uses humor to entertain and engage the audience. Example: "Because boring is not in our vocabulary—unlike 'zamboni.'"

  • Empathetic: Shows understanding and compassion towards the audience's needs. Example: "We know life gets hectic; let us simplify it for you."

  • Persuasive: Convincingly encourages the audience to take action. Example: "Don't miss out on this limited-time offer – act now!"

  • Educational: Focuses on teaching the audience something new. Example: "Learn the art of financial planning with our expert guides."

  • Sincere: Conveys authenticity and honesty. Example: "We believe in transparency and building trust with our customers."

  • Excitement: Generates enthusiasm and a sense of thrill. Example: "Get ready for an adventure with our latest innovation!"

  • Exclusive: Emphasizes the exclusivity and special nature of the offer. Example: "Join our VIP club for exclusive access to premium benefits."

  • Urgent: Creates a sense of immediacy and urgency. Example: "Act fast – limited stock available for a limited time!"

  • Nostalgic: Taps into feelings of nostalgia to create a sentimental connection. Example: "Take a trip down memory lane with our classic collection."

  • Confident: Projects a sense of certainty and trust. Example: "Choose the experts – our track record speaks for itself."

  • Youthful: Appeals to a younger audience with a fresh and energetic tone. Example: "Dive into the coolest trends with our cutting-edge products."

Our favorite tones are “casual and confident” or “conversational and light.” But you use whatever feels most natural to the way you communicate!

Step 4: Pop It Into Chat GPT

Just copy and paste your version of the prompt with your information into the new chat channel. It should look something like this.

See this content in the original post

And hit enter!

Chat GPT will digest your prompt and give you back the content you asked for.

Without further ado, here’s the 10 best prompts we’ve created for loan officers.

Use Chat GPT To Create a Welcome Email for Clients

Copy this prompt and fill in your details in the brackets to create three options for your welcome email meant for clients.

I want you to act as if you have years’ of experience in email marketing and sales communications. We will be creating an email that will serve as the first touch point for all my clients. This email will be a welcome email going to a client for the very first time from me. Here are details you should review and use in the content:

I am a [job title] working in the [city/state/region] market

I have [number of years’ experience] years' experience in [business] and have focused my career on [explain your core competencies, what you focus on, your main services, your main type of client you excel at helping, etc]

I want to highlight my services in this email, which include {explain the key functions you perform for your clients]

I want the main call to action in this email to be [insert your call to action here]. Leave a space for me to insert a link into the text.

I want the tone of these email options to be [insert tone here]

I want you to create three emails for me to choose from.

The first email option should be concise and to the point.

The second email should be in a standard length for this type of email.

The third email should be an in-depth, detailed outline of all the information I want to include in the communication.

See this content in the original post

Use Chat GPT to Create a Welcome Email for Referral Partners

Copy this prompt and fill in your details to create three options for your welcome email meant for referral partners.

I want you to behave as if you have several year's of experience developing sales communications and developing business relationships within your industry.

Please use best practices for sales communications between referral partners, specifically from a B2B sales and marketing point of view. You'll be writing email options for me to use as a first touch point with referral partners.

You should consider this a cold email and write it as if I have never had contact with this person before.

I work in [insert your business here]

This referral partner works in [insert target referral partner’s business here]

I believe we would make a good partnership because [insert why you would make a great partnership with this person]

I want this email to serve as the beginning of a long and lucrative business relationship between us.

This referral partner's name is [insert referral partner’s name]

This referral partner's target area is [insert referral partner’s target market]

This referral partner focuses on [insert referral partner’s business focus]

My key differentiators that make my partnership valuable to this person [insert why you would make a viable and profitable partner to this person]

Here are other details I want you to include in my email: [add any other details you want them to know]

I want the email to have a call to action to [insert your call to action here]. Please format the calls to action to include space for [insert communication medium, such as phone number, calender link, web link, etc]

I want the tone of these emails to be [insert tone preference here]

I want you to create three emails for me to choose from.

The first email option should be concise and to the point.

The second email should be in a standard length for this type of email.

The third email should be an in-depth, detailed outline of all the information I want to include in the communication.

See this content in the original post

Use Chat GPT To Create A Doc Request Email To Clients

Copy this prompt and fill in your details to create three options for your document request email for your clients.

I want you to create this content as if you have several year's experience in mortgage, specifically from a loan file operations and mortgage origination point of view.

This email will be sent to a client that is currently in an active loan process with us. We need them to share documents so we can continue to work on the loan file.

I need them to share these documents with me: [insert docs you need here. Remember to include the dates or statuses of these documents, like if you need an updated vs a brand new version of a document]

Please give them an overview of why providing these documents and getting them to us quickly is important. Be sure to be informative, but not condescending in explaining these details to them.

I want them to know that requesting these documents be returned quickly is about keeping their loan on schedule.

Please remind the client that we are always available for questions at this phone number and this email : [insert phone number] or [insert the email you want them to use for questions]

Please include a call to action to upload their documents [insert where you want them to upload or send these documents]. Please include a space for me to insert that link.

I want the tone of these emails to be [insert tone preference here]

I want you to create three emails for me to choose from.

The first email option should be concise and to the point.

The second email should be in a standard length for this type of email.

The third email should be an in-depth, detailed outline of all the information I want to include in the communication.

See this content in the original post

Use Chat GPT To Request Reviews from Clients

Copy this prompt and fill in your details to create three options for you to review.

I want you to act as if you have years’ of experience in email marketing and sales communications. We will be creating an email that will go to clients after they finish a home loan transaction with me.

This email will serve two purposes - checking in on how they are liking their home, and asking them to leave me a review about how their experience was with me.

I want to remind them how happy I am that they trusted me to do their loan.

I want this email to explain why leaving a review is so valuable to us.

You should explain that it helps other people understand our process, it helps them communicate feedback to us, and it helps our business grow online.

I want the main call to action in this email to be leaving a review for us on these sites: [insert the platforms you want to gain reviews on] Be sure to include a spot where I can insert the links to these platforms in the final options.

I want the tone of these email options to be [insert tone preference here]

I want you to create three emails for me to choose from.

The first email option should be concise and to the point.

The second email should be in a standard length for this type of email.

The third email should be an in-depth, detailed outline of all the information I want to include in the communication.

See this content in the original post

Use Chat GPT To Create A Social Media Content Plan

Copy this prompt and fill in your details to create a social media content calendar for one month of content on Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin. If you need help defining your brand’s value statements to fulfill this prompt, do our Drawing Your Value Boundaries exercise.

I want you to behave as if you're an expert in social media marketing and digital content strategies. We will be building a social media content calendar for a [insert business title here]

The goal of social media for a [insert business title here] is to brand themselves as an expert, connect with their community of potential home buyers as well as referral partners like [insert your most common referral partner types here], as well as add some personality to their brand online.

This plan should include post content for Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin.

Please write the content for Instagram in a playful, casual tone. Use best practices for the way to communicate to an audience on Instagram when creating these posts.

Please write the content for Facebook in a more informative but still conversational way. Use best practices for the way to communicate to an audience on Facebook when creating these posts.

Please write the content for Linkedin in a light but professional way, since this content will be targeted only to referral partnerships. Use best practices for the way to communicate to an audience on Linkedin when creating these posts.

I want this content plan to include 20 total post ideas that would cover an entire calendar month of posting, if I posted every working day of the week. You can mix and match the total number of posts for each platform, but make the total at least 20.

You should define each post by its goal. Use the goals above to denote each post by what the goal is.

We want to make sure the brand values are prominent in the content. Make the content feel natural and social, but try to make them tie back to these core values.

The brand values are: [insert 3-5 brand value statements here]

I want you to create a table of social media content ideas.

In each cell of the table, you should put a short description of what the content will be (for the loan officer and their team to use as internal notes and organization) as well as the post content they should use to post this content to social media.

The table should have a column for the short description of the content, a column for the post copy, a column that denotes what the goal of that particular post is, and a column that denotes which platform the post is meant for. Each post should be formatted for an individual platform. No post should be targeted to more than one platform.

See this content in the original post

Use Chat GPT To Create a Bio for Marketing Tools

Copy this prompt and fill in your details to create a bio for your website, social media pages, or other marketing materials. You can skip the questions you don’t have an answer for, but we suggest filling in as much as you can to give the tool a robust amount of information to use.

I want you to create a professional bio for me to use on my website, social media, and other marketing materials.

I need three versions:

One that is 2-3 sentences to be used in quick introductions like presentations or small pieces of content

Another that is 2-3 paragraphs - this will be best in email format to be introduced to clients or referral partners.

And a final one that will be the most in-depth and long, to be used on my website.

I want you to include information from the questions I answer below. If a question doesn't have an answer, please avoid including that content in my bio.

I want the tone of these bios to be [insert tone preference here]

Here are my answers to questions:

  • Professional Background:

    • What led you to a career in mortgage lending?

    • How many years of experience do you have in the industry?

    • What roles and responsibilities have you held throughout your career?

  • Expertise and Specialization:

    • What aspects of mortgage lending do you specialize in?

    • Do you focus on specific types of loans or clientele (e.g., first-time homebuyers, refinancing, etc.)?

    • Are there particular market areas you specialize in?

  • Client-Centric Approach:

    • How do you prioritize and serve the needs of your clients?

    • Can you share a memorable success story or testimonial from a satisfied client?

    • What sets your customer service apart from others in the industry?

  • Values and Ethical Practices:

    • What values guide your approach to working with clients?

    • How do you ensure transparency in all transactions?

    • Can you share an example of a situation where doing the right thing for the client was prioritized over a potential sale?

  • Professional Credentials:

    • What licenses and certifications do you hold in the mortgage industry?

    • Have you received any industry awards or recognition for your work?

  • Team and Support Structure:

    • Do you work independently, or do you have a team supporting you?

    • How does your team contribute to delivering an exceptional client experience?

  • Community Engagement:

    • Are you involved in any community or industry organizations?

    • Do you participate in or support any local events or initiatives?

  • Personal Background:

    • Can you share a bit about your personal background and interests?

    • How do your personal values align with your professional approach?

  • Educational Background:

    • What educational background or training do you have related to mortgage lending?

    • Have you pursued any ongoing professional development?

  • Future Goals and Vision:

    • What are your aspirations for the future in the mortgage industry?

    • How do you envision evolving and growing in your career?

See this content in the original post

Use Chat GPT To Write a Video Script

Copy this prompt and fill in your details to create a video script you can use right away.

I want you to behave as if you have years of experience in creating digital video content online.

I want to create a short video that [insert the purpose of the video here]

This video will go to [insert the intended audience for this video] when [insert the circumstances under which they will get the video]

The video should outline [insert what you want the video to accomplish here]

Here are other details you should include in the script: [add any other details you want to include in the script]

Please make the video script long enough to fill about 2-3 minutes. Please make sure the script has a clear introduction first, and finishes with a clear and simple call to action.

The call to action should be: [insert call to action here]

I want the tone of the video scripts to be [insert tone preference here]

I want you to provide me three options for the scripts to choose from.

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