10 Social Media Posts Loan Officers Should Make Every Month

Social media continues to cement itself as a pillar in branding, lead generation, and referral partner business within the mortgage space. You’d be hard pressed to find a high-producing loan officer with a sustainable line of business that doesn’t employ social media in one way or another.

You may hear 10 posts a month and think we expect you to recycle the same thing every 30 days. Wrong!

Social media works on an algorithm, meaning it’s incredibly unlikely that your audience will be seeing every single post of yours, day in and day out. A loose guide like this one will help you continue to create new, useful, actionable posts without depleting your creative juices.

That’s why we suggest using this content framework monthly. Not only does it keep the content posted on your social media consistent and in-line with what makes the most sense for loan officers, it also gives you some breathing room on coming up with new content every week.

A loose guide like this one will help you continue to create new, useful, actionable posts without depleting your creative juices.

A Market Update

I can hear the comments now! What if the market looks really bad right now? What if an honest update scares my audience?

Well, babe, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s your job to tell people the news about the market. Whether that news is good, bad, or ugly, that’s a prime opportunity for you to share realistic, actionable advice with your clients while also showcasing just how knowledgeable you are on the industry.

We tend to favor a video format for content like this, since it does tend to be very complex and jargon-y. Use a video to add some personality while also explaining details and nuance in a way that is easily digestible to the common home buyer.

A Team Highlight

We all know a loan isn’t possible without the help of several people. If you have a team of support, administrators, loan officer assistants, processors, or underwriters, you can make great content by showcasing them.

There are a couple ways you can frame this type of post, depending on your communication schedule andbrand.

The Personal Teammate Post

This is the type of post you see introducing a team member to your social media community. It might include a fun fact about the teammate, their expertise in the industry, or a great story about a time this teammate made a huge difference to the team.

This type of posts add humanity to your team. One thing we know about the mortgage industry: people want people to do their loans.

Help you audience know the real people behind the scenes with a personal teammate post.

The Teammate Role Post

This is a great way to explain the different parts of the loan process to your audience while highlighting a team member. We have seen great success with these types of post in video format.

Take a minute from your day to film a teammate. Ask them their name, their title, and to explain what they do on a daily basis that contributes to loans.

Having a person tell their perspective of their role on a video is an authentic and easy way to create content for your brand

The Anniversary Post

Tenure on a team should always be appreciated. Make a simple post celebrating an anniversary of someone on your team. It’s a great way to recognize your folks, share a bit of your team culture with your audience, and let people see just who might be working on their loan at any given moment.

People want people to do their loans - not a robot or software.

A Closing Picture

We’ve all seen the classic photo of the new homeowners with their keys and paperwork, posing with their agent or loan officer at the closing table. There’s a reason this kind of content works - because it’s one of the most human moments in the home loan process.

As a general rule, we always suggest going to closings. This is a great opportunity for you to answer questions, celebrate with your clients, and make sure you’ve followed through on your process of a thorough customer experience.

While you’re there, take a quick picture! Most people want to commemorate this moment, and getting a boost to your content calendar is a great benefit.

A Tip About Mortgages

This one seems obvious, but when you live and breathe loans every day, hacks and tips can seem too mundane to share. But they aren’t obvious to your audience!

The trick to marketing mortgages is to be in the right place at the right time. Your ideal customer may have seen the bi-weekly payment tip or the concept of refinancing out of their PMI a dozen times in their feeds, but until that information is relevant to their current situation, it most likely won’t stick.

That’s why we included a mortgage tip as part of this template. You want to constantly be sharing ideas that help consumers and clearly define you as an expert in navigating loans.

If you think a tip is too silly or pedestrian for content, you’re probably wrong. There’s literally millions of consumers out there that just don’t know!

To get you started on this post type, try to answer this question: What is one thing you’d love for every single client to do on their mortgage?

A Shoutout to a Referral Partner

We’ve never met a loan officer that didn’t love some good cross promotion. And you can’t expect it to come your way without giving a little yourself.

Pick a referral partner you like working with. This can be a realtor, insurance agent, title agent, attorney, or whoever you work with to generate business.

Make a post about this person. This should be a selfless promotion of them, not you. This is your chance to throw some goodwill out into the world, tell a little story about this partner, and share their contact information with your network.

Not only is this a great way to fill a content calendar, but it creates yet another layer to your brand: you are a loan expert with a network of related experts, which makes using you as my loan officer more appealing.

A Thank You for an Awesome Review

After you’ve done all that great work to earn that review, you ought to shout it from the rooftops. While reviews kill multiple birds with one stone, you should take advantage of the free content they create and post online.

If you feel comfortable sharing details about the loan, this is a great place to explain how and why you’re team made this customer’s situation a positive experience. Show your expertise and experience by posting your client reviews,

Share from a Thought Leader in the Industry

When it comes to creating content, there’s a never ending supply from the likes of Barry Habib, Todd Duncan, and Dave Savage. These folks are well-known names in the mortgage world and also provide useful content.

When your content calendar is feeling a little empty, go find something from a mortgage or real estate expert to share. We suggest using the share function of whatever social media platform you’re on to maintain the links and relevancy that original post will have. We also suggest adding a comment or anecdote to your share to add some of your own voice.

You get a chance to chime into the conversation and show that you keep up with the news, tools, trends, and changes in the market. And a post like this should take less than 5 minutes to create and share.

A Home Improvement Tip

Depending on the current state of the mortgage market, home renovations and projects can mean different things. Is it about adding equity? Or prepping for a sale? Whatever the context, sharing an idea along with some numbers can help you maintain relevancy to your past client database and generate new business.

We love to see numbers and stats included in these types of posts since they add another layer of value to your content.

Finding stats about home renovation value, home equity growth, or the resale value of a renovated kitchen is easy. Find a stat that you feel would be useful to your audience and film a quick video explaining why that data can help your clients make better decisions with their mortgages.

A Mortgage Vocabulary Explanation

This is another instance of video being your ideal format for this content. Nothing turns a potential client off more than throwing around big, clunky industry words without any regard for normal people who don’t speak mortgage 24/7.

Take this opportunity to explain a complicate mortgage term or concept. Make it simple, add some context around why this term exists at all, and give the consumer some insight on when and why they may run into this phrase.

A large portion of mortgage consumers admit to feeling embarrassed about asking questions during the process. They don’t want to seem stupid, so they may miss out on important information.

Beat them to the punch with simple explanations that help them feel empowered in their decisions.

A Common FAQ

If there is one category of video content I see go viral more than any other (especially in the mortgage and real estate world) it’s answering an FAQ.

Frequently Asked Questions kind of explain themselves: these are things consumers always want to know.

You can find a question you always answer for first time buyers, for refis, for investment property clients, or for anyone going through any loan program. You can generally assume that if one person is asking it, ten more are waiting on that answer.

Give yourself a way to guide clients through these common questions wth a quick video explaining what the most common FAQ is among your audience.

Bonus Tip: elaborate on your answer by explaining WHY you think this question is so common. This will give you an opening to give your insights on the market and trends, helping your brand yourself as a mortgage expert.

What go-to post do you always have in your back pocket? Did we miss anything that you see great success with?


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