Hi, Hello, Welcome! We’re Monica & Alex

We made The Pink Note Society when we realized too many badass sales people are drowning in their to-do lists. Combined, we’ve got over 30 years of experience in the financial services industry, covering skills like sales training, loan processing, web building, search engine optimization, and building tech solutions for loan teams. We wanted to put all that knowledge to good use, and help loan officers grow their sales, tech, and marketing skills.

Here’s Our Pinky Promise To You

We’re on your side to make your goals a reality. No smoke blowing. No leg pulling. No bull shitting. Our purpose is make sure the goals you set in sales, marketing and business are realistic, reachable, and crushed by you.

You can blame this whole thing on a pink plastic recorder, shipped overnight from Amazon

Yes, you read that correctly. Our friend meet-cute moment was a good long laugh over the ridiculousness of a neon pink recorder, reminiscent of elementary school music class. It became the inside joke to get us through the misery of corporate hell and has served as the inspiration for our quirky name: The Pink Note Society.

Meet Monica

With 25+ years in the financial services industry, wearing the hats of loan officer, sales coach, realtor, trainer, and more, I now serve as Business Coach and CRM Consultant to professionals across the U.S. But enough of the business stuff - here’s a few things about me:

  • I’m a mom to three boys and 1 sweet grandson!

  • I can respond to almost any situation with a strangely specific 90s hip-hop lyric

  • The way to my heart is Strawberry Uncrustables

With a flair for the dramatic and an eye for a good spreadsheet, I’ve built my 10-year digital marketing career on savvy creativity and a little bit of sass. Bios are boring, so here’s some fun facts about me:

  • I listen almost exclusively to 80’s and 90’s country music

  • My Starbucks order is embarrassingly complicated: Venti Brown Sugar Oat Milk Shaken Espresso, Absolutely No Cinnamon, add Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam

  • My favorite recent read is on the history of milk. I dare you to ask me about it.

Meet Alex

We can help.

Curate a Tech Stack

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

Craft a Marketing Plan

It can be intimidating to start your own business. Learn to present yourself and your concepts with confidence.

Expand your potential

We want to help you meet your maximum potential, whether it’s helping you building brand loyalty or expanding your business offerings.