Looking for something beyond sales and marketing?

We Have a Pink Partner For That

Your Goals Are Our Goals

And that’s exactly why we’ve worked to build a community of smart, talented, like-minded folks who can take care of our clients. From design to social, technology to accounting, we’ve found people that help our clients take their game from good, to better, to best.

Meet Our Pink Partners

Talk To Marketing offers content, communications, and public relations management. as well as website, SEO, and digital strategy services

Total Expert’s customer engagement and intelligent automation platform is purpose-built to help modern financial institutions create lifelong customer relationships via the perfect mix of digital and human touchpoints. 

Station 13 Media supports clients with tailored social media strategies, content calendars, video scripting, analytics and more.

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Seek offers strategic social media and content support for brands looking to expand their brand’s presence online.

Pink Note Society is partners with Appraisal Links to give new PNS members exclusive offers for appraisal services.

BNTouch is a web-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform that was developed specifically for the mortgage industry.

Color My Credit offering consultations and training for consumers and business to navigate credit scores and improvements.

Review Tailor creates personalized performance review solutions for individuals and teams with actionable insights, performance notes, and a live insights dashboard.

Shred Media offers professional development for real estate and mortgage professionals, aimed at tapping into industry trends and data to make real change in their professional lives.

Surefire CRM offers a robust marketing and communications platform tailored to financial services professionals.

BNTouch is a web-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform that was developed specifically for the mortgage industry.

You’ve got questions

We’ve got answers

Request a Spot as a Pink Partner

We’d love to expand our Pink Partner offerings with brilliant folks just like you. Even if you aren’t a full consultant or agency, we love to partner with people who have the experience and knowledge to help our Pink Note Society Members. Reach out to us about partnering with us.

  • It’s so simple! Submit the form below.

  • We work with our partners to share the love! When our clients need services like yours, we send them your way.

  • We’ll set up a time to chat, go over our partnership options, and get the ball rolling!