Get Started With The Pink Note Society

Our FREE gift to you is this intro to Mindset, Branding, and Strategy concepts, hosted by one of our founders, Monica Alley. Walk through these worksheets and exercises and use the free downloads provided with each to take your business to the next level.

You’re gonna love this

Included in this free course are six (count them, six!) free downloads. These are our go-to tools to get clients started on the right foot for mindset, sales, and production planning. Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll get in the course:

Get all six when you start the course!

Our Free Starter Pack

Get Access to our 6 most popular tools and free tutorials walking you through each one, step-by-step.

✓ Learn how to shift your mindset to growth and wealth
✓ Build KPIs that matter to your business
✓ Track the key actions that contribute to your daily success
✓ And more!

Course FAQ

  • When you join the Pink Note Society, you’ll have free access to this Starter Kit FOREVER. So yes, watch them whenever you like.

  • Yes, honey! Keep them, use them, get something amazing from them.