8 Marketing Printables You Need For Every Customer Journey

Customer touchpoints are the backbone of great service in the mortgage industry. Between robust client packets and closing gifts, we all know a little thought and planning will go a long way when it comes to supporting and enriching your client’s experience - every single step of the way.

Here’s 8 marketing print materials we always recommend loan officers leverage during their transactions. Some of them may be more relevant to the transaction than others, but they all add an extra touch of care and consideration for the stages your client will go through in their mortgage process.

Team Roster

We’ve heard this one go by many names: team get-to-know-us, team sheet, our team intro, etc. Making a long story short, this is the printed (or digitized) file loan officers will give their prospective clients at the beginning of a transaction. It serves a few purposes, including introducing everyone on the team, sharing contact information with the clients, and giving them an overview of who they will talk to about what throughout their loan journey.

This is a great first touchpoint to give you clients, as it allows you to share a little background about your team and add some humanity to an otherwise stressful process. Customers at the top of a mortgage funnel are stressed, overwhelmed, and are looking to choose a lender that they can trust and turn to when they have questions.

By sharing a simple piece of content that connects names to faces, and faces to tasks, they’ll feel more comfortable moving forward in their process with you. It will also serve as a short and sweet contact list when they have a question in the future.

Loan Option Comparison Chart

As you’re making the case for their loan, they will likely be comparing many loan options. We always suggest having a branded, easy to understand loan comparison chart handy for your sales conversations. This allows you to document multiple loan options, but also gives your buyer a tangible piece of information to take home and review, share with their spouse, review with their accountant, lawyer, or real estate agent, all while they tote around your logo and contact information.

Buy Now or Later Chart

This is a great tool to have in your back pocket when you need to explain the value of buying now instead of waiting. Depending on the market conditions and their personal goals, this may not apply to each and every buyer.

But for the sake of example, let’s pretend you have a buyer that’s on the fence about buying now, stating they want to wait until rates come down. While this may seem like a decent move on the surface, you (and the numbers) know that doesn’t work out most of the time.

Creating an easy, clean chart that compares the cost of waiting can help you explain the choice, without being pushy or antagonistic to a buyer that’s on the fence.

Process Overview

This is one of the non-negotiable ones. Every loan officer that wants repeat business from their clients should have some sort of document that outlines the loan process. This can be as simple as a one-page flyer, or as deep as a 10-page booklet. However you present it, sharing the steps your client can expect upfront can go a long way in alleviating their stress and save you time in explaining every little nuance of the process.

Depending on the way you present your process, we always recommend at least having a short version available to all buyers. This can be very high level, with general steps and vague details.

As I’m sure you know, different borrowers and loan types can drastically change the order of operations.

If you happen to specialize in certain markets, like first-time buyers, VA loans, or USDA loans, you may want to create a more in-depth process overview to address the layers of details that are likely in those loan programs.

Dos and Don’ts

How many transactions have been derailed by an unexpected car purchase or opening of a random credit card? The Do’s and Don’t’s may be obvious to those of us in the biz, but for many consumers, they’ve never considered the repurcussions of that new Best Buy credit card.

Use the sharing of this list as an opportunity to explain your support and expertise to your clients. This doesn’t have to be a scary process that leaves them helpless until the loan is done. Help your clients understand the risk and importance of their decisions during the loan process with an easy chart.

Closing Checklist

Many buyers - especially those doing their first loans - have no clue what to expect from a closing. While you’re elbow deep in loan files, appraisals, and new business, your clients are probably lost as to what they should be preparing for when it comes to closing.

Make a quick outline of what they should bring, how much time they should plan to take off, and what they should be prepared to do at the closing table. This will go a long way in helping your client feel informed and supported in their transaction.

Moving Checklist

When your client is financing a loan with you, they are likely doing some of the most stressful things they will ever do in their life. Buying a home, changing jobs, changing relationship status, having a new baby, and especially moving house are in the top ten most stressful events in an adults life.

Help your clients navigate the necessary evil that is moving with a simple checklist of things to remember.

Home Equity Checklist

This one will probably get to your client when they are the furthest from an active pipeline, but these kinds of tools are built to bring them back to you! A checklist for their home equity will do a few things: keep them on track with home repairs, plant a seed for them to consider home upgrades or home equity loan options, remind them you exist (I hope your CRM is already doing this for you), and give them a nudge for an Annual Mortgage Review.

An extra little hack? Collaborate with a real estate agent referral partner to create a co-branded tool that helps you both maintain warm contact with your leads AND start a new conversation for return business.


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