How To Create A Reel On Instagram

This post is part of a series we’re doing in collaboration with Station 13 Media, a social media branding agency that specializes in personal storytelling and social media strategy.

Creating content online is a skill in and of itself. One of the core platforms so many consumers are engaging with is Instagram. And one of the features that promotes engagement on Instagram is their Reels feature.

Reels are generally short form content that showcases a specific content topic or idea. Think of it as a more time-sensitive and topical version of a standard Instagram post. Because these Reels are heavily promoted in 24-hour cycles, keeping the content fresh and spontaneous can help them gain traction.

Looking for more social media strategy? Our Pink Partners at Station 13 are our go-to partner for personal branding on social media. Talk to Station 13 about growing your social media strategy.

Here’s a tutorial on posting a reel on Instagram.


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